Historical Marker for Samuel Boone, brother of Daniel Boone, Don’s 6th great-grandfather.
Author: Renee Cue
Shared Cousins for Renee and Don
Originally shared on 27 September 2020 If you are…Related to Renee through the Schantz side (Joann Schantz Love) … If you are….Related to Don through the Cue Side… We are all related! WHAT??? That’s right. I am on a genealogy Facebook page for my Mennonite ancestors and I discovered a distant cousin who is ALSO…
Cousin Chart! How are you related???
4th cousins? 1st Cousin twice removed? Great Great Great Aunt? How to decipher. Here is a quick, friendly chart and a link to a more complete article from FamilySearch explaining how “removed” works: Cousin Chart—How to Calculate Family Relationships
Honoring George Chapman, 1938-2020
Today we honor George Chapman, the husband of Nancy Gleason Chapman, who passed away July 15, 2020. Nancy was the first cousin of Don’s mother, Arlene Schoenthal (Cue Fisher). George was well loved by his family, including the Cues. George Chapman Obituary, Egelhof, Siegert & Casper Funeral Home