Margaret Ann (Jones) Griffith was the mother of Elizabeth Ann (Griffith) Davis, mother of Arthur Enos Davis, father of Sarah Elizabeth (Sadie) Davis, mother of Willard Love, father of Renee Love Cue If you are related to Renee on the Love side, Margaret is related to you! Margaret is my third great grandmother, married to…
Category: Family History
Information about our families and ancestors
David Love, 1827-1919, In His Own Words
This is specific to those of you that are related to me via the Love family. David Love is my 2nd great grandfather. That makes David Love the 5th great-grandfather to our newest family additions! David dictated his story to his daughter and the local newspaper published it when he passed away in 1919. The…
Golden Anniversary Celebration of Christian and Barbara (Rich) Schantz, married in 1853
If you are related to Renee via her mother, Joann (Schantz) Love, this article may be of interest to you! Scouting around the old newspaper articles I found a story about the golden anniversary celebration of Christian Schantz and Barbara Rich, my 2nd great-grandparents, married in 1853. The first thing that I see that I…
A Brief History of Jacob Mast by CZ Mast, 1911
If you related to Renee through her mother, Joann (Schantz) Love, this is of interest to you! I love! For books that are out of their copyright protection period, they have a huge collection of digitized books. This is the link to the Brief History of Bishop Jacob Mast published in 1911. This is…