If you are related to Don through his father, Donald Eugene Cue, this might be of interest to you!
Here is something fun that I ran across. The National Register of Historic Places includes the Morgan Log House in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. The house was built shortly after 1708 by Edward Morgan, Don’s 8th great grandfather. Don is related to Edward via his father, Donald Eugene Cue.
Edward Morgan and his wife, Elizabeth Margaret Jarman, are the grandparents of Samuel Boone and his brother Daniel Boone (see earlier post about your relationship to Daniel Boone). If you find yourself in Eastern Pennsylvania north of Philadelphia, stop by Lansdale and check it out! The Morgan Log House host tours, programs, and workshops.

Website for the Morgan Log House, Lansdale
Lineage: Edward Morgan to Don Cue
Edward Morgan 1660-1736 (born in Wales, died in Pennsylvania)
Sarah Morgan 1700-1777
Samuel Boone 1728-1816
Sarah “Sally” Boone 1763-1848
Mason Brooks 1790-abt.1841
Sarah Jane Brooks 1813-1869
Sarah Louise Bloomhuff 1852-1943
Bertha Frances Phillips 1875-1964
John Homer Cue 1906-1988
Donald Eugene Cue 1930-2008
Don Cue
This article first appeared in Facebook on Related to Renee Love Cue on 14 May 2021