If you are related to Don through his father, Donald Eugene Cue, this might be of interest to you! Here is something fun that I ran across. The National Register of Historic Places includes the Morgan Log House in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. The house was built shortly after 1708 by Edward Morgan, Don’s 8th great grandfather….
Author: Renee Cue
Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Gleason of Watertown, Massachusetts
Gleason, Thomas 1607-1686 For those of you that are related to Don Cue through his mother, Arlene Schoenthal, here is the direct descendant list from Thomas Gleason, Don’s 9th Great Grandfather. George Chapman, who passed away July 15, 2020, had been the first one to tell Don and I about the origins of the Gleason…
Tribute to Leonard Schantz!
Originally shared 26 April 2021 Wow! I was out on the internet doing internet-ty stuff and I come across this beautiful tribute from 2010 to my uncle, Leonard Schantz! This article first appeared in TCG (The Gospel Coalition) on 27 September 2010 from Collin Hansen. Our Worship Glorifies God
Happy Birthday Aunt Ada!
First posted in Facebook, Related to Renee Love Cue on 11 March 2021 If you are related to Renee via the Love side of the family, you can celebrate Aunt Ada Jane Davis Spencer’s birthday! While visiting with my mom this morning, she reminded me that March 11th is Ada’s birthday. Ada was born in…